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azoa lidem terms of use.exe
Overview of the Terms of Use
These Terms of Use apply to both voices and characters that are attached to AZOA and LÍDEM's voicebanks.
You are allowed to:
- Create original songs and covers
- Make sexual/violent content with the voicebank as long as it is not too explicit.
- Make a different costume for the character.
Permission is required for:
- Making characters with relationships of any kind related to these voices.
The following is prohibited:
- Any content that promotes hatred towards individual people or groups of any kind, regardless of religion, ideologies, etc.
- Creation of Fanloid (derivative voices and characters)
- Redistribution of files of any kind.
- Distribution of the voicebank on sites like ULM.
- Creation of AI related content that uses the voices, such as RVC technologies.
- Making monetary profit of original songs that use the voices.
For further data, please read the General Terms of Use and the specifications below.
Commercial Usage
This ToU gets in further detail around commercial usage for the voicebanks. Please read carefully.
- Making monetary profit with songs created with these voices is prohibited.
- These products are paid with resources from Nexys4t's own budget to the voice providers. For such reason, it is discouraged to make monetary profit with anything that uses the voice files and artworks.
- Merchandising is not allowed.
The artworks that can be used for monetized videos and covers are listed here:
- Any official material from Nexys4t and NaiveDesla.
- Fullbody Render by Aalacer.
Artworks that can NOT be used for monetized content:
- Fullbody Artwork by tomiprod/UpTown-P.
AZOA and LÍDEM are voices distributed for free as a passion project.
Prohibited behavior:
- Distribution of a combination pack of the voicebanks in a same product. (If it is for personal usage is allowed to do but discouraged to distribute. Nexys is not responsible for any bug that can happen with these.)
- None of the contents related to the voicebank (graphic, resources, configuration, voicefiles...) should be taken away from the product itself, and selling them is prohibited. Even if sold under a different name, as long as it contains anything directly from these voicebanks is prohibited.
- If distribution is interrupted or the voicebanks become private, please do not reupload in any site. This is made to respect the voice provider's desires.
- Once distribution is finished, do not ask any of the parts involved (voice providers, Nexys4t, NaiveDesla) to put it up for download again.
- Using artificial intelligence technologies with these voices as a base is extremely prohibited.
When distribution is finished:
- People who already own the voicebanks can keep them as long as they're not distributed to anyone else.
- All the covers and original songs that were done previously can stay uploaded on the internet.
- Characters can still be drawn or included in fanarts.
If you have any question or find Terms of Use that are conflicting, please contact Nexys.
Usage of characters/voice
If you have any doubt about if your usage falls under these conditions or not, please contact Nexys4t.
Prohibited behavior:
Sexual content is prohibited whenever is it:
- Portraying illegal content as positive (ex.: underage, non-consensual...)
- It doesn't matter what the characters/song is about as long as it contains something that goes against these terms.
Violent content is prohibited whenever it is:
- Dedicated to hatred towarsd any individuals or groups.
- Portrayed in a positive way.
- It doesn't matter what the characters/song is about as long as it contains at least one of the above; it is considered prohibited.
Creating a derivated character or voice is prohibited. This contains but is not limited to:
- Fanlodis
- Genderbends
- Family
- Alternate Universes
- Original Characters/Fanloids/Etc that use AZOA or LÍDEM's voicebanks as a source.
Allowed Behavior:
Using AZOA or LÍDEM's voice as a voice-claim.
Creating a different costume for the characters is allowed:
- If it's not said to be an official design
- Using a different design for a video or thumbnail is okay.
- Drawing Fan art.
Making characters or voicebanks with any kind of relationships with AZOA or LÍDEM:
- Not stating the character as an official relationship of any kind
- There's no biologic family relationship
If you have any question or find Terms of Use that are conflicting, please contact Nexys.
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