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terms of use.exe
Voice / Singer
These Terms of Use apply only to the voice, not the character.
You are allowed to:
- Create original songs and covers
- Create adult content (as long as it does not portray illegal or negative content as positive)
- Make monetary profit with your songs and covers.
- Once distribution is finished, upload to sites like ULM.
- Make your own character for a music video that uses the voice.
Permission is required for:
- Creation of Fanloid (derivative voices and characters)
- Port voicebank to other software.
- Distribution of ports to other software.
- Edit the configuration files (oto.ini).
- Edit the native audio files (.wav).
The following is prohibited:
- Any content that promotes hatred towards individual people or groups of any kind, regardless of religion, ideologies, etc.
- Creation of AI related content that uses the voices, such as RVC technologies.
- Distribution of edited configuration files (oto.ini).
- Distribution of Private voicebanks.
- Distribute any part of these voices (or the voice as a whole) with a different associated character or name.
We do not get any responsibility over the modification of any of our files. Any bug/error that occurs and is not officially adressed for the distributed voicebanks will be your responsibility.
Specific Terms of Use take priority over the general Terms of Use.
These Terms of Use apply only to the character associated to the voices.
You are allowed to:
- Create fan artworks (such as art, fanfiction, music, cosplay...)
- Create adult content (as long as it does not portray illegal or negative content as positive)
- Dress the character in alternate outfits.
- Shipping (romantic relationships between characters)
- Creation of AU (alternate universe).
Permission is required for:
- Creation of Fanloid (derivative voices and characters)
- Selling work / Getting monetary profit with the characters or their designs.
- Role-play of the character.
The following is prohibited:
- Any content that promotes hatred towards individual people or groups of any kind, regardless of religion, ideologies, etc.
- Creation of AI related content that uses the characters, including feeding an AI with the designs or artwork of any kind that includes them.
- Recolor/Tracing of artworks or design.
- Claiming characters as the ownership of someone else that is not Nexys4t or any associated group.
If you have any question or find Terms of Use that are conflicting, please contact Nexys.
Specific Terms of Use take priority over the general Terms of Use.
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