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sphytas terms of use.exe
Terms of Use
These Terms of Use apply to all the voices and characters under the Sphytas group.
You are allowed to:
- Create original songs and covers
- Create adult content as long as illegal content is not portrayed as possitive.
- Make monetary profit with your songs and covers that use the voice.
- Creation of AU (alternate universes, such as genderbend).
Permission is required for:
- Ports to other software.
The following is prohibited:
- Any content that promotes hatred towards individual people or groups of any kind, regardless of religion, ideologies, etc. As well as content focused on damaging them.
- Any kind of monetary profit that includes the characters (such as merchandising), since the species does not belong to Nexys4t.
- Religious or political propaganda.
- Creation of AI related content that uses the voices, such as RVC technologies.
For further data, please read the General Terms of Use.
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