Terms of Service
Please read the Terms of Service listed in this page carefully.
These can change at any time.
LATEST UPDATE: 09/04/2024
Azoa is a free-to-obtain and free-to-use product.
NaiveDesla does not make profit with the character, and the external artists and Voice Provider are paid with NaiveDesla's own personal money.
*Please read below for further info.
Creation of original songs and covers with this voicebank is allowed.
Sexual/Violent content is permitted with this voicebank if not being too explicit.*
Religious content is allowed as long as it's not based on hatred against others.
Making monetary profit of original songs that use this voicebank is prohibited.
Content that promotes hatred against groups or individuals of any kind is prohibited.
Once distribution is ended or the UTAU becomes private, please do not reupload* to other preservation websites like UTAU Lost Media.
Derivative voicebank creation is prohibited.
Derivative character creation is prohibited.
Making a different costume/look for the character is okay*.
Making characters/voicebanks with relationships with this character, of any kind, is acepted*.
Usage with AI such as RVC, Kits... is prohibited.
This section is a WIP and may not be up to date.
Please contact NaiveDesla for info.
Making monetary profit with songs created with Azoa is prohibited.
As the product is exclusively paid with NaiveDesla's budget (this money goes directly to Voice Providers, Artwork creators...), it is heavily discouraged to make profit with anything that uses Azoa's voice files and artworks.
If you like his voice and have further doubts that are not related to the voicebank or character itselves, please ask the voice provider, JunieMSB.
If the product uses exclusively the character, it's allowed with the following restrictions:
Contact NaiveDesla for further information before doing anything.
Merchandising of any kind is not allowed and counts as commercial usage.
"Commercial Usage" includes videos that use the artworks as standing image. More details in the list below.
The list of artwork and the status of use:
Any official material by NaiveDesla, such as logos, icons, etc.â
Fullbody Render by Aalacer.
Not allowed:
Fullbody Artwork by tomiprod/UpTown-P .â
Azoa is a voice distributed for free as a passion project of NaiveDesla.
Distributing a combination pack of Azoa's voicebanks in a same product is prohibited.
If the combination is used for your own, exclusive, personal use, it's okay, but discouraged to do. NaiveDesla is not responsible for anything that happens.â
None of the contents related to the voicebank (graphics, resources, configuration files, voice files...) shall be taken away from the product itself, and selling them is prohibited.
It doesn't matter wether the contents are sold separately, under a different name, or in a pack. It will be considered prohibited.â
If distribution is interrupted, or the voicebank becomes of private use, please do not reupload in any site.
NaiveDesla is very well aware of the reasons a voicebank would be uploaded once distribution is stablished to end. (Preventing lost media)
However, it is asked to users to not reupload it in any way, as it will be disrespectful to NaiveDesla and JunieMSB's desires.
Once distribution is finished, do not ask any of the parts involved in Azoa's development to put it for download again.
When distribution is finished:
People who already have the voicebank can keep it, as long as they don't distribute it to anyone else.
All the covers and original songs that were done previously can stay uploaded on the internet.
Character can still be drawn or included in fan works.
Using Artifical Intelligence technologies with Azoa's voicebanks as a base is extremely prohibited.
âIf you have any doubt if your usage falls or not under prohibited or allowed content, please contact NaiveDesla.
Sexual content is prohibited whenever it is:
Portraying illegal content as positive. (ex: underage, non-consensual...)
It doesn't matter what the characters/song is about as long as it contains something that goes against these terms.
Violent content is prohibited whenever it is:
Dedicated to hatred towards any individuals or groups.â
Portrayed in a positive way.
It doesn't matter what the characters/song is about as long as it contains at least one of the above: it is considered prohibited.
Creating a derivated character or voicebank is prohibited. This contains, but it's not limited to:
Alternate Universes.
Original Characters/Fanloids/Etc that use Azoa's voicebank as a source.
Creating a different costume for the character is allowed:
If it's not said to be an official design.â
Using a different design for a video or thumbnail is okay.
Drawing fan art.
Making characters or voicebanks with any kind of relationship with Azoa is accepted under this conditions:
Not stating the character as an official relationship of any kind (unless NaiveDesla says otherwise).â
There's no biologic family relationship.
If you're not sure wether your creation falls, or not, under this categories, please contact NaiveDesla.