-basic usage-
*The basic usage does not refer to specific voicebank issues. For OpenUTAU issues, please read below.
Q: What are the Recommended Settings?
A: The Recommended Settings are meant to be the best settings for Azoa. Each voicebank has their own settings.
Q: There are various options in the Recommended Settings. Wich one should I use?
A: The one that best fits your needs.
Q: What are the Alternative Settings?
A: The Alternative Settings are meant to be used when the Recommended Settings do not work.
Q: Can I use the Alternative Settings if I don't want to download the Recommended Settings?
A: Please, don't.
Q: What if the tools in the Recommended Settings don't make a sound?
A: As it has been said, if the Recommended Settings don't work, try with the Alternative Settings.
Q: There are various Alternative Settings. Wich ones do I use?
A: As some of the tools provided may not make sound in specific phonemes, for no apparent reason, please try to find the ones that work best for you.
Q: I see there are FLAGS. Can I change/not use them?
A: No. The FLAGS are made to get the best of the voicebanks usage.
Q: Can I plug&play an UST file?
A: It's better if you don't. Try to fit the UST to Azoa's logical voice range. (You can know each voicebank's logical range by clicking on the voicebank icon in the UTAU window.)
Q: I tried to use the Extra sound folder inside the UTAU editor. It sounds weird. How do I fix this?
A: You don't "fix this". The Extra sounds are meant to be used outside in an external DAW (such as Audacity, FL Studio...) in the mixing process.
Q: This phoneme doesn't sound/an incorrect sound plays when I input this note. What do I do?
A: If you have already checked that the Recommended Settings or the Advanced Settings are not the issue, please check the wav files and frq files, as well as the rest of the FAQ (it could be a specific voicebank issue). If there is no answer in the FAQ to your issue anywhere, or the solutions provided do not work, please use the contact form.
Q: The specifications are still confusing in the Readme and the FAQ.
A: If you find these specifications confusing, please read the Wiki.
-cv voicebank-
*Make sure you have read the generic UTAU usage first. For OpenUTAU issues, please read below.
Q: Some phonemes do not work.
A: Please check that the aliases are correct in both configuration (oto) and UST.
Q: My UST does not sound when I use this voicebank!
A: Please check the format of the UST is CV and not VCV / CVVC. Also check the language of the voicebank.
Q: Why are there two versions of the vocals (A, E, I, O, U, N) ?
A: You will find that the vocals have two different configurations. The "long"/"duplicated" aliases (aa, ee, ii, oo, uu, nn) are meant to be used for easy crossfade. The normal aliasing (a, e, i, o, u, n) are meant to work as your default vocals in any other CV voicebank.
Q: How do I adapt an UST to the voicebank?
A: Select all notes, move them to the appropiate Logical Range. Check Note Properties, then Clear and Reset the Overlap and Preutterance. Make sure that there is no text in the Flags box, and there is no STP or BRE settings. Then, hit ACPT or Reset then P2P3 in the UTAU tool bar.
Q: I rendered the UST file yet there is no sound/Rendering fails and there is no sound.
A: Replace ALL the R notes with ?. These ? notes will do the job as if they were R notes, since there's no phoneme with that alias.
-openutau usage-
*The OpenUTAU usage also refers to the official ports for the OpenUTAU software. For UTAU issues, please read above.
Q: Wich OpenUTAU ports of Azoa should I use?
A: There might be unofficial ports. Please stick to the official provided ports unless stated otherwise in the website.
Q: Can I use the default OpenUTAU resampler?
A: No. It might be troublesome to use the Classic resamplers, but try to use them. Only if they refuse to work, and contacting OpenUTAU's support doesn't work, use the default OpenUTAU resampler.
Q: OpenUTAU does not recognize the voicebank.
A: If re-installing the voicebank does not work, contact OpenUTAU support. Make sure there are no issues with the UST or resamplers.
Q: Wich phonemizer do I use?
A: Usually the voicebank puts the correct phonemizer when used. If not, please try to use one that fits the voicebank type. However, sometimes there might be no phonemizer or be a CV voicebank. Then use the Default phonemizer.
Q: How do I use flags in OpenUTAU?
A: You will have to make your way around it in the OpenUTAU parameters.
Q: The voicebank's consonants fade too much and it almost sounds like there is no consnant. / Short vocals make a weird sound.
A: Sadly you will have to fix that manually by moving the portamento.
Q: Is there any way to have all that settings already applied?
A: Yes, a template was distributed. The resamplers should be already set up, if not, please use the recommended resamplers in the Readme.
Q: The settings in the template clash with the Readme.
A: Due to certain problems, the Readme file has not been updated yet, so please use the Wiki if there is any doubt.