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Allowed Behavior

  1. Creation of Original Songs and Covers.

  2. Adult content (as long as it doesn't portray illegal behavior as positive).

  3. Making monetary profit with the Original Songs or Covers.

  4. Using an original character in your Original Songs while using the voices.

  5. Creation of ports to other software (as long as it's not said to be official).

Prohibited Behavior

  1. Content that promotes hatred towards individuals or groups of people.

  2. Derivative voice creation (making fanloids, includes genderbends).

  3. Creation of AI related content that includes this voices in any kind of way.

Permission Required

  1. Once distribution is finished, upload to services like ULM.

  2. Editing the configuration files.

While we understand why would someone like to upload voicebanks when the distribution finishes (preventing lost media), we would also like to be understood as well, as the creators of these voices.


Allowed Behavior

  1. Creation of fan-works such as fanart, fanfiction, comics, etc.

  2. Drawing the characters in different outfits.

  3. Creation of AU (alternate universes) of the characters.

Prohibited Behavior

  1. Content that promotes hatred towards individuals or groups of people.

  2. Religious or political content that is not explicitly fictional.

  3. Adult content that portrays illegal activities as positive behavior.

  4. Creation of AI related content that includes this characters in any kind of way. This includes feeding an AI with the artwork.

Permission Required

  1. Making monetary profit with the characters or artworks.

  2. Adult content, as long as it doesn't contain any illegal activities portrayed as positive.



  1. Reclists are free-to-use as long as credit is given.

  2. Reclists are free to modify as long as credit is given.

  3. If a configuration file (oto.ini) is distributed with a reclist and is used, please give credit.

  4. Please ask for permission first before distributing any kind of reclist/oto.ini modification.


  1. If an UST that we edited is taken from external sources and distributed, it will always have permission from the original creator(s).

  2. Please give credits to all the creators listed in the Readme of each UST.


  1. You are free to use the conlangs.

  2. Give credits. Don't claim as your own.

  3. Don't use the conlangs to promote illegal activity.

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