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Main Universe

Most of these characters belong to the same universe.
The "main universe" is a story of sin and time loops, where fantasy lives next to modernity.

A legend says that, far beyond belief, the utopia of the "God of Everything and Nothing" stands strong. This nation known as Chaelestis has been frozen in time, but it's story speaks of prosperity and happiness...
Those who find such a place nowadays are bound to find the ruins of what remains, however such a big kingdom still mantains it's holyness from an era that is now long gone.
Many travelers had tried to know the story behind the fall of this domain, but no answers can reply to who the "God" is, or about "The Oracle" who expanded the knowledge of the existance of this nation to the outside world.

However, those who dare step further into the depths of Chaelestis, will found themselves with the knowledge of energies known as Void and Aether. And those who try to search the truth, will find themselves hunted by sin.

Void, Aether and Sin

The Void is a dark, powerful and unstable energy that co-exists with the Aether to keep the world in harmony. The Void energy can be used, however the cost of doing so, varies from each individual and the quantity of energy they need. Mind, body and soul can be affected (independently or various at the same time) by this energy, getting eroded or achieving forbidden knowledge that leads to madness.

The Aether is a pure, easily manageable and stable energy that is easy to use, however it requires a high level of mastery to use at full potential. This energy has no side effects, but it's considered weak due to many users unable to unlock the true potential of the Aether. However, achieving this mastery has the risk of being self-aware to dangerous levels. While Void is usually focused on destruction and distorsion of reality, Aether is usually focused on healing, creation and being in harmony with the universe.

Sin has been existing since the first second the universe came to life. However, not everyone is able to obtain Markings of Sin. These markings appear on the sinner's body whenever they surpass a "limit" of the weight of the sins they can stand, this "limit" is specific to each person and is usually pretty high. However, only a few of these sinners have the "honour" of being those who would be refferred as the Seven Deadly Sins, since only them will have a single mark that will be their signature for the rest of their lifetime. All of them have unique shapes, but are usually located in similar places.

The descendants of these sinners have Heritage Marks of Sin, wich are not gained by surpassing certain limit. Instead, this markings are installed in the descendants, and start showing up as the inidividuals grow up. Unlike the Markings of Sin, these markings usually mix various sins, instead of having an individual marking in a different place for each sin.

Alternate Universes

These alternate universes are different versions of the original universes. They can't mix with other universes.

"Greater Light" Universe

A fantasy setting where humans are not aware of the supernatural, and religions and deities coexist in their own domains.


AC is a being that has no place in these lores or alternate universes.

AC is an entity that is shaped by the mind of the user, the only stablished lore for them is their age (above 18) and their "species". Due to these characteristics, AC can be considered an ethereal being capable of using any physical form they desire. 

For more details, check the Character page.


The Wanderers are a species of unknown origin. They are nomads and their exclusive instintive purpose is to travel through the universe to gather information. That data is usually written in physical mediums and left in places where other species can easily access to them, such as libraries.

Wanderers are a highly intelligent species and are easily distinct for their behavior and clothing styles, wich follow a specific pattern. All of them speak the Wandererlang, however they can also learn any existent language very easily.

They have shown very diverse capabilities of using magical powers or natural abilities that could be considered as a "power" (according to humans).
The most famous Wanderer is "The Oracle". 

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