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An androgynous voice.

Can sing in Japanese, Spanish, English and Conlangs.

Originally created for reclist testing purposes.

Has omake/extras sound sources with breaths, voice acting in various languages and simple voice acted sound effects to add expression to your songs

UTAU voices

ac logo.png


A Japanese voicebank in CV style.
Monopitch. Range is D3~G4
Romaji encoded, Hiragana aliased.
Version 3.2 

Track Name
Track Name
ac logo.png


A voicebank in CV-C style of our Celestial Conlang.
Monopitch. Range is ???~???
Romaji encoded and aliased.
Version 1.0 

Track Name
Track Name
ac logo.png


A CVC voicebank for the Chance Reclist.
Spanish, Japanese, English and Conlang languages.
Monopitch. Range is ???~???
Romaji encoded and aliased.
Version 2.0 

Track Name
Track Name

OpenUTAU voices

ac logo.png


A Japanese voicebank in CV style.
Monopitch. Range is D3~G4
Romaji encoded, Hiragana aliased.
Version 3.2 

Track Name
Track Name
ac logo.png


A voicebank in CV-C style of our Celestial Conlang.
Monopitch. Range is ???~???
Romaji encoded and aliased.
Version 1.0 

Track Name
Track Name
ac logo.png


A CVC voicebank for the Chance Reclist.
Spanish, Japanese, English and Conlang languages.
Monopitch. Range is ???~???
Romaji encoded and aliased.
Version 2.0

Track Name
Track Name


ac logo.png

[breath EX]

An extra voice pack full of breath samples.
Not recommended to be used inside the voicesynth engines.
Version 1.0 

ac logo.png

[speech EX]

An extra voice pack full of phrases and voice acted samples.
Comes in different languages and conlangs.
Version 1.0 

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