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"The Judge of Souls"

Age: 23
Gender: Female

Height: 164 cm
Weight: 52 kg

Birthday: 13rd October
Horoscope: Libra

Sin: Pride / Greed
Species: Demon/Fallen Angel

An angel whose believings and behavior made her pay the price of falling and obtaining the Deadly Sin of Greed. She is known as the judge of souls. She's blind, though she can see the souls and sins of those who surround her.

Seems the adrenaline taken from her addictions made her into a really unstable person whose ideals are unclear, trying to drive everyone to play her games. Surprisingly enough, Heccan likes to do as her word says, but be careful for any legal void that she could take advantage of. It's unclear what her true self is. She might really be as a bad person as she makes everyone to believe, or she might be a better person than it looks.

However, it is difficult to know if all this info is even close to reality, as Heccan tends to be very silent about her personal life.





Further data is required.


  • Heccan does not have feet.

  • Heccan is, canonically, from the horoscope of Libra. Her birthday date is probably made-up.

  • She seems to have an addiction to sweet foods. However, she won't admit such a thing.

  • It is unknown if her Sin is a mix of Greed and Pride (a Heritage Sin Mark) or if it's purely Greed.

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