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Name: Meast
Age: Unknown
Gender: Hermaphrodite (she/her)

Species: Deity
Height: 1'59 m

Weight: 60 kg

A deity of Creation who was forgotten and consumed by the Void, being reborn as the Goddess of Corruption.
Her soft but cheerful and naive attitude has been substituted for a more solid, serious attitude.
Still without taking away her duty as a goddess, Meast decided to become the guide for those who end up in the Void.
Apparently, she was the one who punished Glucagon and helped Sonia come back home.
Meast mostly communicates by telephaty.

BODY (old)


A bipitch voice in japanese language.
The default cheerful voice of Meast.


The OpenUTAU voicebank is a port, it may have issues. If the voice does not show in the dropdown menu, search under Classic submenu.

CV (old)

Old Meast Icon.bmp

A monpitch voice in japanese language.
The default cheerful voice of Meast.

Shut Uppp Love MEAST UTAU Cover

An outdated voicebank. Use at your own risk.

MIND (old)

Meast Soft Icon.bmp

A monpitch voice in japanese language.
A soft, warm voice from Meast.

Shut Uppp Love MEAST UTAU Cover

An outdated voicebank. Use at your own risk.


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